Open your own kitchen studio!
We are looking for franchise partner in Pécs!
Business, marketing and manufacturing support.
- Continuous growth opportunity
- The Cliff franchise system provides security
- 25 years of successful business know-how
Have you ever wondered ...
what it would be like to have a business that, alongside the freedom and joy of entrepreneurship, had experienced experts to support you in making your business a success? What would it be like to have someone you could ask when you needed help and get wise advice as well as help to implement it?
For many entrepreneurs, this is just a dream, but you have the chance to decide …
Our Franchise Stores
Our full range of kitchen furniture is available to view in all Cliff Kitchen Studios, and our skilled staff can provide full assistance with kitchen furniture design and construction.
Focus on your goals
Customer focused & organised business
When you think of your business, it’s not the unpaid bills, paperwork and daily firefighting that comes to mind. You can focus on your goals. When you want to, you can spend time with your customers or work on growing your business.
These things can become a reality for you by opening a Cliff kitchen studio.
Cliff Franchise
Maximise opportunities and minimise risk!
- Education
- Supporting services
- Technical solutions
- Business solutions
- Brand support
- Marketing
- Growth

Inventory, planning software, ordering system ...

For business management and also in legal and administrative fields

Technical Support
Technical background and use of the internal system

Surveys and research results, Know How

Sharing brand name, business model and contact system

Cliff sales facilitation system: brochures, photo supply, full marketing.

Providing background and support for development, recruitment support.
A unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
We are looking for a franchise partner in Pécs.
When you partner with us to open a new kitchen studio, you can expect:
- The location of the kitchen studio is chosen together according to the business experience.
- The studio's equipment and sample kitchens are jointly designed based on the Cliff franchise structure.
- The franchise fee for the investment: HUF 2 300 000, which includes the licence fee for the design software and part of the material and labour costs of the installation (not theoretical fee).
- The Cliff Franchise Handbook will be handed over and will include the key points for a successful franchise.
- We'll give you all the help you need: once your studio is open, our main goal is to get your studio profitable within a few months.
Where will the customers come from?
- We provide you with full marketing support from our skilled marketing team.
- Thanks to our central website, hundreds of interested parties are contacted by our partners.
- We regularly participate in national events. At these events, a significant percentage of interested parties will be directed to your kitchen studio. The results of which will be felt in your studio throughout the year.
Rendelkezik stúdióval?
Ha szeretne kizárólag Cliff konyhabútorokat árusítani és felvenni stúdiója számára a Cliff márkanevet, Ön is Franchise partnerré válhat és annak minden előnyét megkapja. Részesülni fog a teljes szakmai, üzleti, marketing és gyártói támogatásunkból.
Új konyhastúdiót nyitna?
Ha Ön még nem rendelkezik saját konyhastúdióval, de szeretne kizárólag Cliff konyhabútorokat forgalmazni, akkor már az üzlet helyszínének kiválasztásában, berendezésében és a jogi, üzleti ügyintézésben is számíthat segítségünkre.
- Franchise díj az első konyhastúdió nyitásánál: 2 300 000 Ft
- A stúdió berendezését, a mintakonyhák közös teherviselés szempontjából közösen tervezzük meg. A legjobb tervezőink segítenek ennek megvalósításában.
- Gyors nyitás: a megállapodást követően akár 2-3 hónapon belül.
Legyen Ön is részese sikerünknek!
25 év tapasztalat & folyamatos támogatás
Az Ön sikere a mi sikerünk is lesz. Jelentkezzen személyes megbeszélésre és ismerje meg a lehetőségeit!